sck = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sck.connect((irc, port))
sck.send('PRIVMSG ' + 'NICKSERV' + 'ghost' + 'supaBOT' + 'htown')
sck.send('NICK supaBOT\r\n')
sck.send('PRIVMSG ' + 'NICKSERV' + 'IDENTIFY' + 'password')
sck.send('USER supaBOT supaBOT supaBOT :supaBOT Script\r\n')
sck.send('JOIN ' + " " + chan + '\r\n')
when I try running the script I get this error: 451 PRIVMSG You have not registered 451 PRIVMSG You have not registered 451 JOIN You have not registered
: You
The nick supaBOT is registered on the server, but I dont know how to identify to the server, since the code above is not working.
Like Mike said, you're not sending the data you should be sending. You need to add the spaces there and you need :
before final command arguments if they have spaces. Some of the lines are also missing '\r\n'
That is, the format for a PRIVMSG
is: 'PRIVMSG nick :message with spaces\r\n'
only has two arguments, so you need to put the :
there to indicate that the rest of the line is only one value which may include spaces.
The reason you are getting "You have not registered"
is because you must send USER
and NICK
commands before any other commands. And if the NICK
command fails (nick collision), you must detect the error and try another one. Once you have sent a valid USER
and NICK
commands, some IRC networks also send you a PING
, to which you must respond with a PONG
before the server considers you "registered". After that you may use other commands.