I've got some xts I want to plot. The data is split into month from the beginning of January 2015 to end of April 2019.
migranti immigrati rifugiati immigrazione
2015-01-01 34 42 22 43
2015-02-01 54 44 27 66
2015-03-01 41 58 44 54
2015-04-01 121 62 43 100
2015-05-01 112 57 52 98
2015-06-01 154 101 60 125
2015-07-01 78 53 35 66
2015-08-01 146 72 58 108
2015-09-01 282 79 157 134
2015-10-01 143 40 89 72
2015-11-01 102 45 90 69
2015-12-01 106 47 74 62
2016-01-01 177 83 116 103
2016-02-01 151 65 86 86
2016-03-01 161 71 91 81
2016-04-01 180 55 102 81
2016-05-01 210 72 99 119
2016-06-01 115 71 78 125
2016-07-01 91 59 55 69
2016-08-01 114 40 54 50
2016-09-01 159 55 84 101
2016-10-01 193 77 72 127
2016-11-01 128 86 61 108
2016-12-01 115 47 52 75
2017-01-01 132 100 77 125
2017-02-01 123 96 58 122
2017-03-01 137 87 61 112
2017-04-01 139 51 63 78
2017-05-01 207 67 71 121
2017-06-01 134 77 58 97
2017-07-01 184 60 53 107
2017-08-01 199 59 49 92
2017-09-01 154 88 67 101
2017-10-01 125 53 50 96
2017-11-01 127 59 51 73
2017-12-01 103 38 31 53
2018-01-01 96 48 43 57
2018-02-01 87 60 41 69
2018-03-01 69 33 30 54
2018-04-01 69 29 33 47
2018-05-01 101 39 41 74
2018-06-01 326 72 86 181
2018-07-01 212 58 49 112
2018-08-01 198 59 38 70
2018-09-01 147 46 31 84
2018-10-01 181 71 38 107
2018-11-01 117 35 34 71
2018-12-01 118 42 38 57
2019-01-01 215 49 44 88
2019-02-01 132 45 26 67
2019-03-01 119 49 40 84
2019-04-01 110 28 37 72
I create the plot like this:
sum_data, main = "Data",
xlab = "Januar 2015 - April 2019",
lwd = 8,
cex = 3,
las = 1,
Though the data seems to be finde, the labeling of the x-axis ends in December 2018:
My best guess is that the dates get split into 6 month periods and because the first half year of 2019 isnt done yet, it just does not display it correctly. So the solution would be, to split the dates displayed on the xaxis into three month periods or so. But this, I cant figure out. To be clear: I dont want to touch the actual data. I just want to display the xaxis correctly.
This is very simple, just use argument major.ticks = 'quarters'
. Note that my locale is not an English language locale, so the months names abbreviations are not the same as in the question.
plot(sum_data, major.ticks = 'quarters')
Data in dput
sum_data <-
structure(c(34L, 54L, 41L, 121L, 112L, 154L, 78L, 146L, 282L,
143L, 102L, 106L, 177L, 151L, 161L, 180L, 210L, 115L, 91L, 114L,
159L, 193L, 128L, 115L, 132L, 123L, 137L, 139L, 207L, 134L, 184L,
199L, 154L, 125L, 127L, 103L, 96L, 87L, 69L, 69L, 101L, 326L,
212L, 198L, 147L, 181L, 117L, 118L, 215L, 132L, 119L, 110L, 42L,
44L, 58L, 62L, 57L, 101L, 53L, 72L, 79L, 40L, 45L, 47L, 83L,
65L, 71L, 55L, 72L, 71L, 59L, 40L, 55L, 77L, 86L, 47L, 100L,
96L, 87L, 51L, 67L, 77L, 60L, 59L, 88L, 53L, 59L, 38L, 48L, 60L,
33L, 29L, 39L, 72L, 58L, 59L, 46L, 71L, 35L, 42L, 49L, 45L, 49L,
28L, 22L, 27L, 44L, 43L, 52L, 60L, 35L, 58L, 157L, 89L, 90L,
74L, 116L, 86L, 91L, 102L, 99L, 78L, 55L, 54L, 84L, 72L, 61L,
52L, 77L, 58L, 61L, 63L, 71L, 58L, 53L, 49L, 67L, 50L, 51L, 31L,
43L, 41L, 30L, 33L, 41L, 86L, 49L, 38L, 31L, 38L, 34L, 38L, 44L,
26L, 40L, 37L, 43L, 66L, 54L, 100L, 98L, 125L, 66L, 108L, 134L,
72L, 69L, 62L, 103L, 86L, 81L, 81L, 119L, 125L, 69L, 50L, 101L,
127L, 108L, 75L, 125L, 122L, 112L, 78L, 121L, 97L, 107L, 92L,
101L, 96L, 73L, 53L, 57L, 69L, 54L, 47L, 74L, 181L, 112L, 70L,
84L, 107L, 71L, 57L, 88L, 67L, 84L, 72L), .Dim = c(52L, 4L),
.Dimnames = list(NULL, c("migranti", "immigrati", "rifugiati",
"immigrazione")), index = structure(c(1420070400, 1422748800, 1425168000,
1427846400, 1430438400, 1433116800, 1435708800, 1438387200, 1441065600,
1443657600, 1446336000, 1448928000, 1451606400, 1454284800, 1456790400,
1459468800, 1462060800, 1464739200, 1467331200, 1470009600, 1472688000,
1475280000, 1477958400, 1480550400, 1483228800, 1485907200, 1488326400,
1491004800, 1493596800, 1496275200, 1498867200, 1501545600, 1504224000,
1506816000, 1509494400, 1512086400, 1514764800, 1517443200, 1519862400,
1522540800, 1525132800, 1527811200, 1530403200, 1533081600, 1535760000,
1538352000, 1541030400, 1543622400, 1546300800, 1548979200, 1551398400,
1554076800), tzone = "UTC", tclass = "Date"), class = c("xts",
"zoo"), .indexCLASS = "Date", tclass = "Date",
.indexTZ = "UTC", tzone = "UTC")