I am writing a physics simulation program and I want to do the following: I have a hana adapted struct and I want to check if this struct has member called "absorbedEnergy" at compile time using:
if constexpr ( ... )
What is the proper way of doing that in c++17 which I use?
Now using hana documentation I have came up with this:
struct HasAE { double absorbedEnergy };
struct HasNoAE {};
temaplate<typename Cell>
void irelevantFunction(Cell& cell){
auto has_absorbedEnergy = hana::is_valid(
[](auto &&p) -> decltype((void) p.absorbedEnergy) {});
if constexpr(has_absorbedEnergy(cell)) { ... }
HasAE cell;
HasNoAE anotherCell;
cell.absorbedEnergy = 42; //value known at runtime
The thing is that this compiles just fine with g++ 7.4.0 and does what I expect but fails to compile with clang++-8. It gives an error:
constexpr if condition is not a constant expression
I suspect that this originates from the fact that argument of has_absorbedEnergy - cell is not and constant expression. Is there a way around this?
Your issue seems to be related to the requirement in the standard for the expession in if constexpr
to be "contextually converted constant expression of type bool
" (see this question). You can work around that by changing the if constexpr
if constexpr (decltype(has_absorbedEnergy(cell)){})
Alternatively, you can use expression SFINAE to achieve what you want (see the cppreference.com documentation of std::void_t
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
template <typename, typename= std::void_t<>>
struct has_absorbedEnergy : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct has_absorbedEnergy<T,
: std::true_type {};
template <typename Cell>
void irelevantFunction([[maybe_unused]] Cell &cell) {
if constexpr (has_absorbedEnergy<Cell>::value)
std::cout << "Has absorbedEnergy\n";
std::cout << "Does not have absorbedEnergy\n";
struct HasAbsorbedEnergy
{ int absorbedEnergy; };
struct DoesNotHaveAbsorbedEnergy
int main()
HasAbsorbedEnergy Has;
DoesNotHaveAbsorbedEnergy DoesNot;