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Beginner Assignment need help! Scan files -> Data Validation -> Printwriter

I am really stuck on the assignment of Java. Just a beginner and I need to write a donation management system that needs to read 2 files (donator records & instructions) which I need to read and validate the donator records, then print writes the validated records and print it in certain toString format.

Need to read records like these:(fields may in any order)

phone 02111111
name Posephine Bloggs
birthday 01-06-1980
address 1 Grace Street, Lane Cove, NSW
postcode 2066
recipient dog care, the disabled
donation 100, 300

address 102 Smith St, Summer hill, NSW
postcode 2130
name Posephine Esmerelda Bloggs
birthday 13-05-1960
phone 11222009
recipient animal protection, lifecare
donation 50, 200

I have created 3 Scanner already, 1. Scan the record file 2. Scan through every lines 3. Scan the keywords and values

But then I got the result file with every field created an donator object instead of putting all the fields in an single object.

Output like this:

name: null
birthday: null
address: null
postcode: 0
phone: null

name:  Posephine Bloggs
birthday: null
address: null
postcode: 0
phone: null

name: null
birthday: 01-06-1980
address: null
postcode: 0
phone: null

name: null
birthday: null
address:  1 Grace Street, Lane Cove, NSW
postcode: 0
phone: null

name: null
birthday: null
address: null
postcode: 0
phone: null


  • Your mistake is here:

    while(scanRecord.hasNextLine()) {
        donator a = new donator();
        String line = scanRecord.nextLine();

    This means that you will have a new donator created for each line you read, whereas you should create a new donator whenever you read a blank line.

    One way to fix this is to move the declaration of a out of the while loop, and only initialise a if the line read is blank. You should also add the donator to the list in the else branch instead.

    donator a = new donator();
    while(scanRecord.hasNextLine()) {
        String line = scanRecord.nextLine();
        if (!line.isBlank()) {
        } else {
            a = new donator();