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Concerning test cases with Atoum for PHP code , how can I unit test a class which uses require_once?

I can use Atoum to unit test a class as following:


namespace vendor2\project2;

class helloWorld2
    public function say()
        return 'Hello World!';

     public function add($a,$b)
        return ($a+$b);
        //return 'Hello World!';

Everything is fine and I accomplish several test cases
But when I add require_once to the class which I want to test it then Atoum can't test that class:


namespace vendor2\project2;

$ServerRoot = realpath(__DIR__. '/..');
require_once $ServerRoot.'/db/dbTables/M4_Warrior.php';

class helloWorld2
    public function say()
        return 'Hello World!';

     public function add($a,$b)
        return ($a+$b);
        //return 'Hello World!';

When I comment the line with require_once everything is fine

The test php file is as following too:


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namespace vendor2\project2\tests\units;

$ServerRoot = realpath(__DIR__. '/../..');
require_once $ServerRoot.'/HandleCommands/helloWorld2.php';

use atoum;

 * Test class for helloWorld.
 * @author Vh80705
class helloWorld2 extends atoum {

    // put your code here

    public function test1() {
        $true  = true;
        $false = false;

                ->isFalse();     // fails


    public function test2() {
        $true  = true;
        $false = false;

                ->isFalse();     // succeed        

    public function test3 ()
            // creation of a new instance of the tested class


                    // we test that the getHiAtoum method returns
                    // a string...
                        // ... and that this string is the one we want,
                        // namely 'Hi atoum !'
                        ->isEqualTo('Hi atoum !')

    public function test4 ()
            // creation of a new instance of the tested class


                    // we test that the getHiAtoum method returns
                    // a string...
                        // ... and that this string is the one we want,
                        // namely 'Hi atoum !'
                        ->isEqualTo('Hello World!')

    public function test5 ()
            // creation of a new instance of the tested class


                    // we test that the getHiAtoum method returns
                    // a string...
                        // ... and that this string is the one we want,
                        // namely 'Hi atoum !'

    public function test6 ()
            // creation of a new instance of the tested class


                    // we test that the getHiAtoum method returns
                    // a string...
                        // ... and that this string is the one we want,
                        // namely 'Hi atoum !'

    public function testSkipped() {
        $this->skip('This test was skipped');


  • Strange but it's really true!

    Atoum cares about ?> at the end of PHP files
    There should be nothing after ?>
    Even new line

    I replaced all ?> in all PHP files with space and the problem is solved