I need to export all the comments on a WordPress website but I also need to have the post title of the currrent comments being exported.
Surprisingly none of the popular WP plugins seems to offer this possiblity. How would you do that?
I was thinking working with 2 sheets in Excel as I am capable to export the comments in one CSV and my posts in an another, but it seems really complicated for my current need.
I was hoping exporting one CSV file only in which I would have automatically the comment's informations but also the related post's informations.
Thanks in advance.
You can export Wordpress comments with post informations in PhpMyAdmin.
This simple Query will be a good starting point:
SELECT DISTINCT wp_comments.comment_ID, wp_comments.comment_post_ID,
wp_comments.comment_author, wp_comments.comment_author_email,
wp_comments.comment_content, wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.post_title
FROM `wp_comments` INNER JOIN `wp_posts`
WHERE wp_comments.comment_post_ID = wp_posts.ID
Up to you then to select the columns you want to export.