I'm working with the Marklogic's DatahubFramework and I deployed the self made Javascript modules. When I invoke this resources through the 8010 port (STAGING DB) everythings seems to work fine but when the 8011 port (FINAL DB) is invoked I get always the same error:
"RESTAPI-INVALIDREQ: (err:FOER0000) Invalid request: reason: Extension test or a dependency does not exist: XDMP-MODNOTFOUND: (err:XQST0059) Module /marklogic.rest.resource/test/assets/resource.xqy not found . See the MarkLogic server error log for further detail."
The endpoint I'm invoking is the "http://localhost:8011/v1/resources/searchEvents"
How to fix this?
I found the problem, the gradle script "gradle mlDeploy" filled the property url rewriter with the wrong value and it was referencing another rewriter file. After fixing this value, everything worked as planned.