I have followed the documentation for Carbon Fields Association field but when I try to use the values, I get absolutely nothing. I have created the field in the back-end and everything seems to work nicely there, but on the front-end I'm using carbon_get_post_meta( $id, $name );
where $id
is get_the_ID()
and $name
is my field name related_products
Could anyone please tell me how to utilise this field, or point me to anywhere that might help?
Thank you.
In association fields, values are obtained in the following format. Example:
[0] => Array
[value] => post:post:11876
[type] => post
[subtype] => post
[id] => 11876
[1] => Array
[value] => post:post:12101
[type] => post
[subtype] => post
[id] => 12101
Now you have the data, you can fetch it and display accordingly. Example.
This will fetch ids from the given array.
$ids = wp_list_pluck( $related_products, 'id' );
Now you can use those ids to fetch posts and display as you require.
$related_products_details = get_posts( array(
'post__in' => $ids,
) );
Note: This is just a concept. You need to modify it as per your requirement.