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How add missing sequence in a list based on month and year?

Let's suppose we have those values from a database :

  • Month: 5, Total: 100, Year: 2019, Id: 1
  • Month: 7, Total: 45, Year: 2019, Id: 1
  • Month: 5, Total: 55, Year: 2019, Id: 2
  • Month: 9, Total: 110, Year: 2019, Id: 2

Then I have to generate rows for Months 6 and 8 that are missing from the list with Total : 0 for Id: 1 and Id: 2

The final result should be:

  • Month: 5, Total: 100, Year: 2019, Id: 1
  • Month: 6, Total: 0, Year: 2019, Id: 1
  • Month: 7, Total: 45, Year: 2019, Id: 1
  • Month: 5, Total: 55, Year: 2019, Id: 2
  • Month: 6, Total: 0, Year: 2019, Id: 2
  • Month: 7, Total: 0, Year: 2019, Id: 2
  • Month: 8, Total: 0, Year: 2019, Id: 2
  • Month: 9, Total: 110, Year: 2019, Id: 2

How can I do that with LINQ and C#? It's even harder if I think about the end of the year, e. g: Month 12, Year: 2019 and Month 2, Year: 2020.

Thank you for any help!


  • You want to group the records by (id and year) and find the boundary (first month and last month) in each group to fill the blanks:

            .ToArray() // materialize the query, since this group by is unlikely to be supported by linq2...
            .GroupBy(x => new { x.Id, x.Year }, (k, g) =>
                var months = new { First = g.Min(x => x.Month), Last = g.Max(x => x.Month) };
                // left join to fill the blank between the records
                return (
                    from month in Enumerable.Range(months.First, months.Last - months.First + 1)
                    join row in g on month equals row.Month into match
                    from x in match.DefaultIfEmpty(new TYPE_OF_RECORD { Id = k.Id, Year = k.Year, Month = month, Total = 0 })
                    select x
            .SelectMany(g => g) // flatten the grouping