I have two bat files, program 1 is working so when the user enters a "file name" it will open the file and edit it. However, I would also like to make it so if program 2 opened and the username just enters a file name it will send that variable over to program 1 which then uses the variable to edit the file instead of asking for a user to input the file name.
I tried creating a variable on program 2 and then using %1 but don't know how to go forward from here.
Program 1:
set /p FileName=
If exist %cd%\%FileName% start %FileName%
Program 2:
@echo off
set /p FileName=[FileName]:
call editor.bat %FileName%
I would like program 1 to check if program 2 has sent a variable if not to continue as normal
To pass a variable, you would need to use it as an argument:
@echo off
set /p filename="Enter Filename: "
bat2 %filename%
@echo off
echo %1
Both files need to be in the same directory otherwise you must use absolute path when calling bat2.bat
is the first argument, you can use multiple argument i.e. %2
, %3
Further reading: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1767
Example scripts: https://www.instructables.com/id/5-Cool-Batch-Files/
This if from: Batch parse each parameter
command shifts the arguments to the left until there aren't anymore. So after %1 is called, %2 becomes %1, etc
IF "%1"=="" GOTO Continue