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Sorting p-dataTable not working when p-column uses ng-template

I'm trying to sort a column that has template. My understing is that when a column uses a template, the sorting should be done by responding to the sorting event.

<p-column field="activityName" [sortable]="true" (onSort)="onNameSorting($event)">
  <ng-template let-col let-activity="rowData" pTemplate="body">

However, when I put a breakpoint in the event handler, nothing is happening. Am I missing something?

  debugger;       //--> the breakpoint is not being hit

Thanks for helping


The breakpoint is being hit, the sorting is being performed. Yet no change is being reflected in the dataTable.

onNameSorting(e, dt){
  debugger;              //This break point is being hit now.
  if(!!e.order && e.order > 0){
     this.filteredItems = this.filteredItems
        .sort((a, b) => (a.activityName < b.activityName) ? -1 : 1);
     this.filteredItems = this.filteredItems
        .sort((a, b) => (a.activityName > b.activityName) ? -1 : 1);


  • I am assuming you are using the old prime data-table. In that version there was no (onSort)="onNameSorting($event)" binding to the p-column. Move that to the p-dataTable


    <p-dataTable scrollable="true" [value]="_rowList" [selectionMode]="selectionMode"
                 [responsive]="true" (selectionChange)="rowSelectionChange($event)"
                 (click)="rowSingleClick($event)" (dblclick)="rowDoubleClick($event)" [(selection)]="_selectedEntity"
    <!-- refer to the next line, above lines are bunch of attributes -->
                 (onSort)="sortData($event, dt)"[sortField]="sortField" [sortOrder]="sortOrder" #dt>
    <p-column field="activityName">
      <ng-template let-col let-activity="rowData" pTemplate="body">

    Suggestion: They have launched the new PrimeNg Turbo table. Its much easier and faster.