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How to remove all my markers and add new ones onPress?

I want to show trails markers and change to Events markers and back when pressing a button. When i clear the markers, the size is 0, but they are not removed from the map. So when i add the new ones, nothing happens.

My initState

void initState() {
    isTrailsMode = true;
    message = "Go to Events";

My map in a stack

    children: <Widget>[
      Positioned(top: 5, right: 5, child: _getButton())

My _getbutton() method

RaisedButton _getButton() {
    if (isTrailsMode) {
      return RaisedButton(
        onPressed: () => _changeMarkers(),
        child: Text("Change to Events"),
    } else {
      return RaisedButton(
        onPressed: () => _changeMarkers(),
        child: Text("Change to Trails"),

My _changeMarkers() method

void _changeMarkers() {
    setState(() => map.markers.clear());
    if (isTrailsMode) _listToMarkersTrails();
    else _listToMarkersEvents();
    setState(() => isTrailsMode = !isTrailsMode);

My listToMarkers- methods

void _listToMarkersTrails() {
  for (var i = 0; i < widget.trailList.length; i++) {
    setState(() {
    icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue(50.0),
    infoWindow: InfoWindow(
        title: widget.trailList[i].trailName,
        onTap: () => _navigateToTrail(widget.trailList[i])),
    markerId: MarkerId("id{$i}_trails"),
    position: widget.trailList[i].markers[0].position,

void _listToMarkersEvents() {
for (var i = 0; i < widget.eventList.length; i++) {
  setState(() {
      icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue(150.0),
      infoWindow: InfoWindow(
          title: widget.eventList[i].date,
          onTap: () => _navigateToEvent(widget.eventList[i])),
      markerId: MarkerId("id{$i}_events"),
      position: widget.eventList[i].trail.markers[0].position,

When i check the values, after a clear, markers.lenght = 0, but nothing is removed from the markers in the map. What should I add? A controller?

Thank you in advance!

EDIT I forgot to add, this is Flutter (dart).


  • You don't need a controller. GoogleMap package has changed in version 0.3.0, markers are widget now and GoogleMap widget takes Set of Markers in it's markers property.

    What you have to do is, have a Set of Markers in your state, give that Set to GoogleMap widget's markers property, and then call setState to mutate this Set.

    This will make the framework schedule a rebuild, so your GoogleMap will be build again with the new set of markers. Check my answer in this post to see code: Adding markers dynamically to flutter google map

    Note: I've posted my comment as an answer, according to this meta post.