Data frame column text with datatype string contains sentences, I am looking to extract the rows which contains certain words irrespective of place in which they occur.
For ex:
Cat and mouse are the born enemies
Cat is a furry pet
df = df[df['cleantext'].str.contains('cat' & 'mouse')].reset_index()
The above is throwing an error.
I know that for or condition we can write -
df = df[df['cleantext'].str.contains('cat | mouse')].reset_index()
But I want to extract the rows where both cat and mouse are present
Expected Output -
Cat and mouse are the born enemies
Here's one approach, which also works for multiple words:
words = ['cat', 'mouse']
m = pd.concat([df.Column.str.lower().str.contains(w) for w in words], axis=1).all(1)
0 Cat and mouse are the born enemies