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Like [Inject] attribute from Ninject, what is the equivalent in autofac?

I am new to the Autofac. I know that with Autofac, I need to register these properties like this:Property Injection. And I am looking for something in Autofac just like [Inject] attribute in Ninject. Like this:

public Interface Someproperty { get; set; }

Can something like this be done with Autofac? Any help will be appreciated!


  • Autofac doesn't use attributes. Just make the properties you want injected public and ensure they have a set and Autofac does the rest.

    var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    // Register the type you want the properties wired up
    // You have to register the thing you want injected to - the value of the property
    // and it has to be registered to expose the type of the property. So if the property
    // being injected is type `Interface` then make sure you say that here.

    If you really, really want to control which properties get injected via attribute - which I don't recommend, because it's not great practice to have DI-related stuff intertwined with your business logic - there is a working example in the Autofac repo in the form of a unit test. That example shows you how to create your own custom attribute and use a custom Autofac property selector to only wire up properties that have the custom attribute.