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A gauge chart using XlsxWriter?

I tried to find a gauge chart based on XlsxWriter but I haven't found anything on the web. I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Does someone have already build this chart or know where I can find a python script?


  • Here is an example of how to create a gauge chart by combining a doughnut chart and and pie chart based on this tutorial.

    Note, this requires XlsxWriter >= 1.0.8:

    import xlsxwriter
    workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('chart_gauge.xlsx')
    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
    chart_doughnut = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'doughnut'})
    chart_pie = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'pie'})
    # Add some data for the Doughnut and Pie charts. This is set up so the
    # gauge goes from 0-100. It is initially set at 75%.
    worksheet.write_column('H2', ['Donut', 25, 50, 25, 100])
    worksheet.write_column('I2', ['Pie', 75, 1, '=200-I4-I3'])
    # Configure the doughnut chart as the background for the gauge.
        'name': '=Sheet1!$H$2',
        'values': '=Sheet1!$H$3:$H$6',
        'points': [
            {'fill': {'color': 'green'}},
            {'fill': {'color': 'yellow'}},
            {'fill': {'color': 'red'}},
            {'fill': {'none': True}}],
    # Rotate chart so the gauge parts are above the horizontal.
    # Turn off the chart legend.
    chart_doughnut.set_legend({'none': True})
    # Turn off the chart fill and border.
        'border': {'none': True},
        'fill': {'none': True},
    # Configure the pie chart as the needle for the gauge.
        'name': '=Sheet1!$I$2',
        'values': '=Sheet1!$I$3:$I$6',
        'points': [
            {'fill': {'none': True}},
            {'fill': {'color': 'black'}},
            {'fill': {'none': True}}],
    # Rotate the pie chart/needle to align with the doughnut/gauge.
    # Combine the pie and doughnut charts.
    # Insert the chart into the worksheet.
    worksheet.insert_chart('A1', chart_doughnut)


    enter image description here