I have an App has written in objective C and I uploaded a new version of it before 2 months and everything was working perfectly, now I want to add some things but I get this error: Cannot find protocol declaration for MapViewControllerDelegate
; did you mean UIPageViewControllerDelegate
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@protocol MapViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
@interface RoomServiceViewController : UIViewController
@property (weak,nonatomic) id <MapViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
Cannot find protocol declaration for MapViewControllerDelegate
; did you mean UIPageViewControllerDelegate
Replace MapViewControllerDelegate
with UIPageViewControllerDelegate
Reference to MapViewControllerDelegate
is ambiguous
Since you tagged UIPageViewController and XCode is your type confusing with UIPageViewControllerDelegate: Do you have an UIPageViewController somewhere that is also referring to your protocol?
If yes: Objective-C types aren't automatically known in your project. You need to include their header files. Else you get funny best guesses.
Another option. Move the protocol to a separate headerfile and see if this clears thing up.
Also if you used include instead of import you end up with odd compiler errors.