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PHP SOAPCall Input is null

I'm getting the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [s:Client] Service operation Pickup_Cancel failed due to validation errors: Input is null

Here's my code:

$client = new SoapClient("", array("trace" => 1, "exception" => 0));

$params = array(
        "CodeStation" => `BEY`,
        "PickupNumber" => `1`,
        "Reason" => `test reason`,
        "Password" => `sss`,
        "ShipperAccount" => `acc`,
        "UserName" => `acc`,



  • The awnser to the question you didn't ask is probably: replace the backticks (`) by singlequotes (')

    -- Edit. That was not the problem.

    Here is the case. SOAP can be a pain to get going. My experience is to use a good soap class or just non-wsdl mode. Read up on this in the docs:

    So don't do this:

    $return = $soapClient->functionName($data);

    But this:

    $return = $soapClient->__SoapCall('functionName', $data);

    Also get a grip on what the server wants, load the WSDL url into a client like SoapUI (its free). This lets you check if the SoapServer works and how you should approach it with your call.

    In your case the WSDL states this:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem="" xmlns:pos="">

    Which translates to this PHP code:

    $client = new SoapClient("");
    $params = [
        'Pickup_Cancel' => [
            'CLIENTINFO' => [
                'Password' => 'sss',
                'ShipperAccount' => 'acc',
                'UserName' => 'acc',
                'CodeStation' => '',
            'PickupNumber' => '',
            'Reason' => '',
    $client->__SoapCall("Pickup_Cancel", $params);

    See how the array matches the WSDL xml format?

    This should also give you the feedback you need to proceed. If not, its probably time to get 'real' help :) Goodluck.