Let me first explain how everything is set up.
"globalSetup": "<rootDir>/__tests__/setup.js",
I have the following content:As you can see, I put the fake URL in the environment variable AMA_API
After that, I require ./nock.ts
and log the line Nock init done
. The rest of the content of this file seems irrelevant to me.
module.exports = async function() {
console.log('[JEST SETUP] setting env var')
process.env.AMA_API = 'http://fake.local'
lazy: true,
fast: true,
project: 'tsconfig.json'
console.log('Nock init done.')
const connections = await require('src/db/connection.ts').initConnection()
await require('./clearDb.ts').clearDB()
await require('./initDb.ts').initializeDB()
await Promise.all(connections.map(con => con.close()))
console.log(`Connection setup complete [${connections.length} Connection${connections.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}]`)
return true
, I have the following content:import * as nock from 'nock';
... (some large object)
console.log('NOCK URL ' + process.env.AMA_API);
, I have the following test:describe('Team Endpoint', () => {
let connections: Connection[];
beforeAll(async () => {
connections = await initConnection();
afterAll(async () => {
await Promise.all(connections.map(con => con.close()));
console.log('connection closed');
return true;
describe('Team', () => {
test.only('POST / should return [200 - OK] and create a new team', async () => {
const newTeam = {
let response = await request(app)
.set('Authorization', adminUserToken())
expect(response.body).toHaveProperty('name', newTeam.name);
expect(response.body).toHaveProperty('slug', newTeam.slug);
response = await request(app)
.set('Authorization', adminUserToken())
with the following content:import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import * as rp from 'request-promise';
import { config } from 'src/config';
import { Brackets } from 'typeorm/query-builder/Brackets';
import { isUUID } from 'validator';
import { withConnection, withTransaction } from '../../db/connection';
import { Team } from '../../models/team';
* Create a new user
export async function create(req: Request, res: Response) {
const result = await withTransaction(async em => {
const teamRepository = em.getRepository(Team)
... (irrelevant code)
console.log('AMA URL ' + process.env.AMA_API)
const response = await rp({
uri: `${process.env.AMA_API}/api/analyst/create-analyst-user`,
method: 'POST',
json: true,
headers: {
'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'authorization': 'Bearer ' + jwt.sign({
id: -1,
role: 'admin',
team: '*',
expiresIn: 60 * 60
body: {username: newTeam.name, id: newTeam.id}
return response
if (result) {
return res.status(201).send(result)
So with that all out of the way.. All the setup code is reached when running the tests (based on the console output that I see). However, when I run the tests, the request in the last code block is not intercepted, I get the following output:
Determining test suites to run...[JEST SETUP] setting env var
NOCK URL http://fake.local
Nock init done.
Starting server for profile test...
[Team] Adding initial teams
Connection setup complete [1 Connection]
RUNS src/api/teams/teams.controller.spec.ts
RUNS __tests__/server.spec.ts
Test Suites: 0 of 2 total
Tests: 0 total
Snapshots: 0 total
PASS __tests__/server.spec.ts
● Console console.log __tests__/jest.js:1 [JEST SETUP] setting timeout to 10s
FAIL src/api/teams/teams.controller.spec.ts (6.488s) ● Console
console.log __tests__/jest.js:1
[JEST SETUP] setting timeout to 10s console.log src/config/index.ts:8
Starting server for profile test... console.log src/api/teams/teams.controller.ts:90
AMA URL http://fake.local console.log src/api/teams/teams.controller.spec.ts:16
connection closed
● Team Endpoint › Team › POST / should return [200 - OK] and create a new
RequestError: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND fake.local fake.local:80
at new RequestError (node_modules/request-promise/node_modules/request
at Request.plumbing.callback (node_modules/request-promise/node_module
at Request.RP$callback [as _callback] (node_modules/request-promise/no
at self.callback (node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
at Request.Object.<anonymous>.Request.onRequestError (node_modules/req
I have already spent hours trying to find what is going wrong here.. with no success. Any help would be very much appreciated.
In case anyone has the same problem. Moving the nock initialization to beforeall fixed it for me.