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Nock does not intercept requests - Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

Let me first explain how everything is set up.

  • The tests are run using Jest.
  • I have a jest.config.json with the following line:
    • "globalSetup": "<rootDir>/__tests__/setup.js",
  • In setup.js I have the following content:

As you can see, I put the fake URL in the environment variable AMA_API. After that, I require ./nock.ts and log the line Nock init done. The rest of the content of this file seems irrelevant to me.

module.exports = async function() {
    console.log('[JEST SETUP] setting env var')
    process.env.AMA_API = 'http://fake.local'

        lazy: true,
        fast: true,
        project: 'tsconfig.json'

    console.log('Nock init done.')
    const connections = await require('src/db/connection.ts').initConnection()
    await require('./clearDb.ts').clearDB()
    await require('./initDb.ts').initializeDB()
    await Promise.all( => con.close()))
    console.log(`Connection setup complete [${connections.length} Connection${connections.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}]`)
    return true
  • In nock.ts, I have the following content:
import * as nock from 'nock';

   ... (some large object)

console.log('NOCK URL ' + process.env.AMA_API);


  • That is all the setup for nock I have. Then in the teams.controller.spec.ts, I have the following test:
describe('Team Endpoint', () => {
    let connections: Connection[];

    beforeAll(async () => {
        connections = await initConnection();

    afterAll(async () => {
        await Promise.all( => con.close()));
        console.log('connection closed');
        return true;

    describe('Team', () => {
        test.only('POST / should return [200 - OK] and create a new team', async () => {
            const newTeam = {

            let response = await request(app)
                .set('Authorization', adminUserToken())

            expect(response.body).toHaveProperty('slug', newTeam.slug);

            response = await request(app)
                .set('Authorization', adminUserToken())
  • Then finally, this test triggers a function in teams.controller.ts with the following content:
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import * as rp from 'request-promise';
import { config } from 'src/config';
import { Brackets } from 'typeorm/query-builder/Brackets';
import { isUUID } from 'validator';
import { withConnection, withTransaction } from '../../db/connection';
import { Team } from '../../models/team';

 * Create a new user
export async function create(req: Request, res: Response) {
  const result = await withTransaction(async em => {
    const teamRepository = em.getRepository(Team)

    ... (irrelevant code)

    console.log('AMA URL ' + process.env.AMA_API)

    const response = await rp({
      uri: `${process.env.AMA_API}/api/analyst/create-analyst-user`,
      method: 'POST',
      json: true,
      headers: {
        'accept': 'application/json',
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        'authorization': 'Bearer ' + jwt.sign({
          id: -1,
          role: 'admin',
          team: '*',
          expiresIn: 60 * 60
      body: {username:, id:}

    return response


  if (result) {
    return res.status(201).send(result)

So with that all out of the way.. All the setup code is reached when running the tests (based on the console output that I see). However, when I run the tests, the request in the last code block is not intercepted, I get the following output:

Determining test suites to run...[JEST SETUP] setting env var
NOCK URL http://fake.local
Nock init done.
Starting server for profile test...
[Team] Adding initial teams
Connection setup complete [1 Connection]

 RUNS  src/api/teams/teams.controller.spec.ts
 RUNS  __tests__/server.spec.ts

Test Suites: 0 of 2 total
Tests:       0 total
Snapshots:   0 total
 PASS  __tests__/server.spec.ts
  ● Console    console.log __tests__/jest.js:1      [JEST SETUP] setting timeout to 10s
 FAIL  src/api/teams/teams.controller.spec.ts (6.488s)  ● Console

    console.log __tests__/jest.js:1
      [JEST SETUP] setting timeout to 10s    console.log src/config/index.ts:8
      Starting server for profile test...    console.log src/api/teams/teams.controller.ts:90
      AMA URL http://fake.local    console.log src/api/teams/teams.controller.spec.ts:16
      connection closed
  ● Team Endpoint › Team › POST / should return [200 - OK] and create a new 

    RequestError: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND fake.local fake.local:80

      at new RequestError (node_modules/request-promise/node_modules/request
      at (node_modules/request-promise/node_module
      at Request.RP$callback [as _callback] (node_modules/request-promise/no
      at self.callback (node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
      at Request.Object.<anonymous>.Request.onRequestError (node_modules/req

I have already spent hours trying to find what is going wrong here.. with no success. Any help would be very much appreciated.


  • In case anyone has the same problem. Moving the nock initialization to beforeall fixed it for me.