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Ruby on Rails: export xlsx export all html page instead the requested data

I'm using rails 4.2, and using gems axlsx and axlsx_rails I'm going to move to rails 5 soon but for now I use this version.

What I want: Export xlsx file from a query using axls_rails gem

What I get instead: it export the whole html file as data instead, see picture:

enter image description here

I followed 3 different guides as the git documentation exactly and already debugged it several times and didn't find the problem. Hope someone here can help me understand what causing it.


gem 'rails', '4.2.11'

# import/export xlsx gems
gem 'write_xlsx'
gem 'rubyzip', '>= 1.2.1'
gem 'axlsx', git: '', ref: 'c8ac844'
gem 'axlsx_rails'

html file:

= link_to "<i class='icon icon-file-down'></i> Export</a></li>".html_safe, server_report_system_reports_path(format: :xlsx)

controller file:

def server_report
    organization_id = params[:organization_id]
    @accounts = Admin::Account.where("organization_id = ?", organization_id) unless organization_id.blank?
    @accounts_paginated = @accounts.paginate(per_page: 10, page: params[:page] || 1 )
    respond_to do |format|
      format.xlsx {
        response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="server_report.xlsx"'

xlsx.axlsx file:

wb = xlsx_package.workbook
wb.add_worksheet(name: "Accounts") do |sheet|

  sheet.add_row ["Account id", "Member id", "Member name", "Member email"]
  @accounts_paginated.each do |account|
    account.members.each do |member|
      sheet.add_row [,,,]

EDIT: I tried to call a different def called export and try to see if there's a problem with respond_to and use another query but it also did the same

I also tried to write in format.xlsx this line but still nothing changed:

EDIT 2: I tried to render in respond_to the file instead in axlsx.xlsx file in format.xlsx but I got the same result

response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="server_report.xlsx"'


  • I found the problem. I added layout: false when I render the xlsx file in the controller and it worked