The µPickle docs say generic case classes can be serialized:
Out of the box, uPickle supports writing and reading the following types:
- Stand-alone
case class
es andcase object
s, and their generic equivalents,
However no example is given and I was unable to find a correct way so far. My attempt is:
import upickle.default._
object Container {
implicit def rw[T]: ReadWriter[Container[T]] = macroRW
case class Container[T](value: T)
object Main extends App {
val c = new Container(0)
val cString = write(c)
println("c " + cString)
This fails with error:
Error:(7, 50) could not find implicit value for parameter e:
implicit def rw[T]: ReadWriter[Container[T]] = macroRW
How should generic case classes be serialized using µPickle?
Don't forget to use context bound
implicit def rw[T: ReadWriter]: ReadWriter[Container[T]] = macroRW