I'm working with an agenda in Java. I have stored in my database the day of the week, the start and end time of some labs availability.
Now I need to provide a service for a schedule system by showing only the unavailable times of the day. For example, if day one has start time 13:00 and end time 19:00, I need to return a range just like this: [00:00 - 13:00, 19:00 - 23:59] . Remembering that a day can have more than a range available.
Is there any Java Class or API that could help me on subtracting these ranges?
My lib Time4J offers following solution for the subtraction problem:
ClockInterval fullDay = ClockInterval.between(PlainTime.of(0), PlainTime.of(24));
ClockInterval slot = ClockInterval.between(PlainTime.of(13, 0), PlainTime.of(19, 0));
IntervalCollection<PlainTime> icoll = IntervalCollection.onClockAxis().plus(fullDay);
List<ChronoInterval<PlainTime>> result = icoll.minus(slot).getIntervals();
The resulting list of half-open intervals (with open end) can be easily iterated through and gives the expected result {[T00:00/T13:00), [T19:00/T24:00)}. Every result interval can be converted to a standard ClockInterval
, too. There are also various methods to print such intervals in a localized way. Furthermore, you might find the class DayPartitionBuilder
interesting which allows to connect weekdays and time schedules in streaming, see the example given in the documentation.
About compatibility with java.time
also accept instances of java.time.LocalTime
can be converted back to LocalTime
by help of the method toTemporalAccessor()
with the exception of the value 24:00 which exists in Time4J but not in java.time.LocalTime