I am reading the pandoc manual nd if I am understanding this correctly, it supports usage of a template file and a YAML file that contains the variables to use in the templates. It also says that the YAML supports any arbitrary objects (even lists). However, I want to ask if its possible to render markdown tables in the template using the YAML data. The examples only show a simple key and value mapping.
Edit: I created a testable.md file that contains this
caption: Cities
headers: [city, population]
- [Berlin, '3,748,148']
- [Tokyo, '13,839,910']
**Random Text**
and used this command to use the filter provided by tarleb:
pandoc -f markdown -t docx --lua-filter=yaml_table.lua -o target.docx testtable.md
However it seems that the output file still does not contain the table. Am I missing something?
Edit: I realized that the template file is specified differently from the input It worked properly when I made testtable.md to only contain the following:
caption: Cities
headers: [city, population]
- [Berlin, '3,748,148']
- [Tokyo, '13,839,910']
And created a template file called markdowntmpl.md containing the following
**Random Text**
Then I used the following command:
pandoc -f markdown -t markdown --template=markdowntemplate.md --lua-filter=yaml_table.lua -o target.md testtable.md
city population
-------- ------------
Berlin 3,748,148
Tokyo 13,839,910
: Cities
**Random Text**
Then I can proceed to creating a docx document out of it.
All elements representable in Markdown can also be put into metadata fields. The easiest way to insert complex elements is to use the newline-preserving YAML syntax for multiline strings. E.g.,
table: |
| city | population |
| Berlin | 3,748,148 |
| Tokyo | 13,839,910 |
This defines table
as a metadata field containing a table.
There is no "native" YAML way of defining a table, but you can roll your own with a pandoc Lua filter.
Say one would like to define a table like this:
caption: Cities
headers: [city, population]
- [Berlin, '3,748,148']
- [Tokyo, '13,839,910']
Then it's possible to use the following filter to convert it into a pandoc table.
local List = require 'pandoc.List'
function repeated(item, times)
local result = {}
for i = 1, times do result[i] = item end
return result
function to_table (tbl)
if tbl.t ~= 'MetaMap' or not tbl.rows then
return nil
-- Turn MetaInlines into blocks
local to_blocks = function (x) return {pandoc.Plain(List:new(x))} end
local headers = (List:new(tbl.headers)):map(to_blocks)
local rows = List:new(tbl.rows):map(
function (row) return List:new(row):map(to_blocks) end
local columns = #rows[1]
local aligns = tbl.aligns or repeated(pandoc.AlignDefault, columns)
local widths = tbl.widths or repeated(0, columns)
return pandoc.Table(List:new(tbl.caption), aligns, widths, headers, rows)
function Meta (meta)
for k, v in pairs(meta) do
local success, result = pcall(to_table, v)
if success and result then
meta[k] = pandoc.MetaBlocks{result}
return meta