This is my code:
data segment
letter_a db ' __ _ ',10,13
db ' / _` | ',10,13
db '| (_| | ',10,13
db ' \__,_| ',10,13
db ' '
opening_end db 0
pointer db 10
stack segment
dw 128 dup(0)
code segment
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
call print_opening
; wait for any key....
mov ah, 1
int 21h
call print_opening
; wait for any key....
mov ah, 1
int 21h
mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
int 21h
proc print_opening
mov al, 1
mov bh, 0
mov bl, 3
; I calculate length
lea cx, opening_end
lea dx, letter_a
sub cx, dx
mov dh, 3 ; row
mov dl, [pointer] ; col
lea bp, letter_a
mov ah, 13h
int 10h
mov ah, 8
int 21h
add [pointer], 10
endp print_opening
end start
The problem is it only starts the first line of the string in my chosen column and then goes back to column zero. Is there a way to indent the whole string whenever I want to?
I want to be able to change it as I am in my code, and not just set the indentation in the data segment.
I really hope this is possible. Thanks in advance!
It's useless to have linefeed and carriage return in the data lines given that a loop is required to pull this off.
letter_a db ' __ _ '
db ' / _` | '
db '| (_| | '
db ' \__,_| '
db ' '
opening_end db 0
pointer db 10
The loop will end as soon as it reads the terminating 0 at opening_end.
mov cx, 8 ; Every row has 8 characters
mov dh, 3 ; row on the screen to start
mov dl, [pointer] ; col on the screen is fixed
lea bp, letter_a
mov bx, 0003h ; display page 0 and attribute 03h
mov ax, 1301h ; function 13h and write mode 1
int 10h
add bp, cx ; To next line in the data
inc dh ; To next row on the screen
cmp [es:bp], ch ; CH=0
jne Again