I've the following column as string on a dataframe df:
|4/23/2019 23:59|
|05/06/2019 23:59|
|4/16/2019 19:00
I am trying to convert this to Timestamp but I only getting NULL values.
My statement is:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, unix_timestamp
df.withColumn('date',unix_timestamp(df['date'], "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm").cast("timestamp"))
Why I am getting only Null values? Is It because the Month format (since I hive an additional 0 on 05)?
The pattern for 24 hour format is HH
, hh
is for am./pm.
df \
.withColumn('converted_date', psf.to_timestamp('date', format='MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm')) \
| date| converted_date|
| 4/23/2019 23:59|2019-04-23 23:59:00|
|05/06/2019 23:59|2019-05-06 23:59:00|
| 4/16/2019 19:00|2019-04-16 19:00:00|
Whether there is or not a leading 0
does not matter