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How to run Composer on Homestead?

Where is Composer installed within Laravel Homestead virtual machine – the main question is that why it isn't aliased as 'composer'?

When Homestead is provisioning I can see it running composer self-update so it is there...

Update: Found this in homestead.rb

# Update Composer On Every Provision
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
    s.inline = "/usr/local/bin/composer self-update"

In ~/.homestead/aliases was this (I don't recall for sure if it was added by me):

alias composer='composer.phar'

If that alias was there as default, it doesn't point to global composer installation. So anyway, there is no global alias defined for composer even it is installed globally in Homestead?


  • Composer has been installed in Homestead machine at path /usr/local/bin/composer.

    However, there has been no aliases created, possibly because different people are used to different shorthands.