I have 50,000 names and addresses all in one cell and I want to extract each element into separate cells HOWEVER one particular area is causing a headache. Some of the address fields contain two numbers for the street address. For instance a cell might contain "Mr Smith 10 Rillington Place Exeter Devon" which is fine as my code splits the name street city and County. But some cells contain "Smith & Sons Ltd. 10 & 12 High Street Sutton Surrey.
I have tried .Pattern = "(\d+|\D+|\[d+ & \d+])"
but that does the same as .Pattern = "(\d+|\D+)"
Sub SplitTextNum2()
Dim r As Range, rC As Range
Dim Match, Matches
Dim matchCount As Integer
Columns("E").SpecialCells (xlCellTypeBlanks)
On Error Resume Next
Set r = Range("E1", Range("E50").End(xlDown))
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "(\d+|\D+)"
.Global = True
For Each rC In r
Set Matches = .Execute(rC.Value)
For matchCount = 1 To Matches.Count
rC.Offset(, matchCount).Value = Matches(matchCount - 1)
Next rC
End With
End Sub
My VBA Macro splits out "10" "&" "12" into separate cells. What I want it to do in this circumstance is to keep "10 & 12" together in one cell. The code needs to also cater for the single street number. Any suggestions would be of great help.
You might use the same alternation but start with \d+ & \d+
You can omit the \[
because that matches a literal [
and that character will first be matched by \D
which matches not a digit.
If you intention was to create a character class by not escaping the first square bracket, the pattern would be the same as [d+ &]
But the alternation would not get there because all the matches will be matched by either \d
which matches a digit or \D
which matches not a digit.
You might use:
(\d+ & \d+|\d+|\D+)