Is there any way I can lru_cache
a @property
at class level in python so that even when returning that calculated property with the same values for another class instance, the property will not be recalculated, rather pulled from cache. I want to achieve something like the below:
class SomeClass:
def __init__(self, num1, num2):
self.num1 = num1
self.num2 = num2
def sum(self): #this can even be a class method if needed, I don't really care
return self.num1 + self.num2
t1 = SomeClass(2,3)
>> 5 #calculating
t2 = SomeClass(2,3)
>> 5 #returning cache from t1, NOT calculating
A solution using methodtools.lru_cache
from methodtools import lru_cache
called = 0
class SomeClass:
def __init__(self, num1, num2):
self.num1 = num1
self.num2 = num2
def _sum(cls, num1, num2):
global called
called += 1
return num1 + num2
def sum(self):
return self._sum(self.num1, self.num2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert called == 0
t1 = SomeClass(2, 3)
assert called == 1
t2 = SomeClass(2, 3)
assert called == 1