I want to split a space-delimited string by its spaces, but I need the total elements in the result array to be exactly 3 AND if the string has more than two spaces, only the last two spaces should be used as delimiters.
My input strings follow a predictable format. The strings are one or more words, then a word, then a parenthetically wrapped word (word in this context is a substring with no whitespaces in it).
Sample strings:
Stack Over Flow Abcpqr (UR)
["Stack Over Flow", "Abcpqr", "(UR)"]
Fluency in English Conversation Defklmno (1WIR)
["Fluency in English Conversation","Defklmno","(1WIR)"]
English Proficiency GHI (2WIR)
["English Proficiency","GHI","(2WIR)"]
Testing ADG (3WIR)
I used the following code, but it is only good for Testing (3WIR)
$Original = $row['fld_example'];
$OriginalExplode = explode(' ', $Original);
<input name="example0" id="example0" value="<?php echo $OriginalExplode[0]; ?>" type="text" autocomplete="off" required>
<input name="example1" id="example1" value="<?php echo $OriginalExplode[1]; ?>" type="text" autocomplete="off" required>
Basically, I just need to explode the string on spaces, starting from the end of the string, and limiting the total explosions to 2 (to make 3 elements.
You can approach this using explode
and str_replace
$string = "Testing (3WIR)";
$stringToArray = explode(":",str_replace("(",":(",$string));
echo '<pre>';
Edited question answer:-
$subject = "Fluency in English Conversation Defklmno (1WIR)";
$toArray = explode(' ',$subject);
if(count($toArray) > 2){
$first = implode(" ",array_slice($toArray, 0,count($toArray)-2));
$second = $toArray[count($toArray)-2];
$third = $toArray[count($toArray)-1];
$result = array_values(array_filter([$first, $second, $third]));
$result = array_values(array_filter(explode(":",str_replace("(",":(",$subject))));