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collect and format logs from stdout(php - monolog) in node js with exec

my PHP call from node.js is :

const process = exec('php ' + phpScriptPath, (err, phpResponse, stderr) => {

            if (err){
                this.logger.error('failed:' , err);

        process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {

I am sending the logs from the PHP script using monolog like following

the logs look like the following :

{"name":"node","environment":"development","hostname":"local","level":50,"msg":"{\"message\":\"log message\",\"context\":{\"error\":\"error message\"},\"level\":400,\"level_name\":\"ERROR\",\"extra\":[]}\n","time":"2019-05-05T06:38:26.147Z","v":0}

using Bunyan , how can I format this message to be more readable

PHP monolog formatter :

 $formatter = new \Monolog\Formatter\JsonFormatter();
        $streamHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('php://stdout', \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG);

2- Php has a diffrent level of logs, how can I check what is the level of logs in node, hoe can I format the message in stdout and get the log level.

\"level_name\":\"ERROR\" . for example so I will find the "ERROR" string

3- How can I fit between the log level in node and php. if my node log level is "error", I won't be able to print the stdout logs because my code is. "this.logger.error()" . I need something more dynamic then hardcoded logs


  • ok for my second question I found the solution: if I get PHP log as a JSON string I just can use the following from stdout:

     var phplog = JSON.parse(data);
    // will print ERROR