I have an class for twitter tweets that looks like this, I'm thinking there probably is a good fix for this
class tweet:
def __init__(self, userName, likes, replys, retweets, message, ID):
self.userName = userName
self.likes = likes
self.replys = replys
self.retweets = retweets
self.message = message
self.lenMessage = len(self.message)
self.mentions = self.message.count('@')
self.hastags = self.message.count('#')
self.ID = ID
And in my main class
I have a list of this kind of object. I want to be able to look in this list whether there are any in the tweets in the list that have a certain ID, and i just cant figure out exactly how to formulate this:
from Students import tweet
listoftweets = []
t1 = tweet("ding", 100, 5, 1,"a message", 1906961683)
t2 = tweet("dong" ,5, 5, 5, "another message", 190696969)
t3 = tweet("bang", 1, 1, 1, "anew message",2003)
t4 = tweet("fest" ,3, 3, 3,"a message", 1930)
# now if i wanted to check if there is a object with the attribute ID = 2003
#how would i do this?
if listoftweets.__contains__():
print("the list does contain specified ID")
Thank you all very much
Is this what you are looking for?
for l in listoftweets:
if l.ID == "###": # ID to be matched
print("List does contain specified ID")