Using pg-promise, is there any benefit to using $1
over Template Literals? Template Literals are just much more familiar to me, but I have to assume they do it differently for a reason with this package.
The "Normal" Way:
db.any('SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = $1', [true])
The Way I did it:
const isTrue = true;
db.any(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = ${isTrue}`)
UPDATED The Way I did it:
const isTrue = true;
const name = 'Matt'
db.any('SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = $1 AND name = $2', [isTrue, name])
const isTrue = true;
const name = 'Matt'
db.any(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = $/isTrue/ AND name = $/name/`, {isTrue, name})
is there any benefit to using $1 over Template Literals?
You cannot use Template Literals, which documentation emphasizes:
IMPORTANT: Never use the reserved
syntax inside ES6 template strings, as those have no knowledge of how to format values for PostgreSQL. Inside ES6 template strings you can only use one of the 4 alternatives -$()
You should use Named Parameters, they offer a lot of benefits over the Index Variables:
referenceFor your own example, if you really need Template Strings there:
const isTrue = true;
await db.any(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = $/isTrue/`, {isTrue});
or you can just use the standard strings:
await db.any('SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = ${isTrue}', {isTrue});