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Java - Thread calculate more slowly

I am trying to calculate faster my program. But using thread makes it more slowly. Here is the code that simplified:

In this array, trying to sum every digits. For example: unit digits = 3 + 6

List<String> myArr = new ArrayList<String>();

When calculate like this:


long startTime1 = System.nanoTime();

int units=0; int tens=0; int hundreds=0;

for(int i=0; i < myArr.size(); i++) {
    units += Character.getNumericValue(myArr.get(i).charAt(2));
    tens += Character.getNumericValue(myArr.get(i).charAt(1));
    hundreds += Character.getNumericValue(myArr.get(i).charAt(0));

long endTime1 = System.nanoTime();
double estimatedTime1 = (endTime1 - startTime1)/1000000.0;

System.out.println(estimatedTime1 + " milliseconds");


0.0285 milliseconds

When calculate using Thread:


ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);

long startTime2 = System.nanoTime();

pool.execute(new UnitsDigit(myArr));
pool.execute(new TensDigit(myArr));
pool.execute(new HundredsDigit(myArr));


long endTime2 = System.nanoTime();
double estimatedTime2 = (endTime2 - startTime2)/1000000.0;

System.out.println(estimatedTime2 + " milliseconds");


2.5015 milliseconds

Which part i am doing wrong? Thread should be faster.


  • A typical newbie misconception: using multiple threads doesn't necessarily lead to faster execution!

    Threads are in the end managed by the underlying operating system. Creating such threads comes therefore with a certain amount of overhead! Therefore using multiple threads makes sense only when the corresponding "tasks" have a certain duration. Beyond that, you also need a CPU able to run all the threads in parallel, otherwise you again lose against doing that computational work using a single thread.

    In other words: throwing multiple threads on a simple computation that only needs "relatively few" milli or nanoseconds to complete achieves slower execution times!

    Finally: the real benefit of multiple threads comes into existence when your threads spend a significant time waiting for something to happen (like doing file io).

    So: when you intend to do meaningful experiments with one thread versus many, you have to incorporate such details when defining your setup.