Search code examples

How to use Retrofit2 with User Search on GitHub

I have this url on GitHub where I can search users that have "Leo" on their username:

I've tried mapping it using retrofit2 but I just don't understand how. What I did was:

getUsers(@Path("login") String login);

and just in case:

Call<List<User>> getUsers(@Query("login") String login);

I can see these two ways are not right, but I just can't figure it out the right way.

I'm also not sure if there's a better way to search users, but I got this one from here:


I also tried:

Call<List<User>> getUsers(@QueryMap Map<String, String> login);

And on the layer that calls this method, I do:

public void searchUsers(String name) {

    Map<String, String> loginMap = new HashMap<>();
    loginMap.put(name, "in:login");

    Call<List<User>> users = GithubAPI.getInstance().getUsers(loginMap);
    users.enqueue(new Callback<List<User>>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<List<User>> call, Response<List<User>> response) {
            String s = response.toString();

        public void onFailure(Call<List<User>> call, Throwable t) {


Still not working :( And by not working I mean that response.body == null :(


  • @GET("search/users")
    Call<UserList> getUserList(@Query("q") String filter);

    Try set letter 'q' as key for request

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