I started my PHP application with all text in German, then used gettext to extract all strings and translate them to English.
So, now I have a .po file with all msgids in German and msgstrs in English. I want to switch them, so that my source code contains the English as msgids for two main reasons:
I could do this manually and this is the sort of task where I anticipate it will take me more time to write an automated routine for it (because I'm very bad with shell scripts) than do it by hand. But I also anticipate despising every minute of manual computer labour (feels like an oxymoron, right?) like I always do.
Has someone done this before? I figured this would be a common problem, but couldn't find anything. Many thanks ahead.
Sample Problem:
#: /users/ruben/sites/v/routinen.php:43
msgid "Routinen"
msgstr "Routines"
I thought I'd narrow the problem down. The switch in the .po-file is no issue of course, it is as simple as
preg_replace('/msgid "(.+)"\nmsgstr "(.+)"/', '/msgid "$2"\nmsgstr "$1"/', $str);
The problem for me is the routine that searches my project folder files for _('$msgid')
and substitutes _('msgstr')
while parsing the .po-file (which is probably not even the most elegant way, after all the .po-file contains comments which contain all file paths where the msgid occurs).
After fooling around with akirk's answer a little, I ran into some more problems.
and _("xxx")
calls, I have to be careful about (un)escaping.
msgid = ""
"line 1\n"
"line 2\n"
msgstr = ""
"line 1\n"
"line 2\n"
I'll have to stop working on this for tonight. Still it seems using the parser instead of RegExps wouldn't be overkill.
See http://code.activestate.com/recipes/475109-regular-expression-for-python-string-literals/ for a good python-based regular expression for finding string literals, taking escapes into account. Although it's python, this might be quite good for multiline strings and other corner cases.
See http://docs.translatehouse.org/projects/translate-toolkit/en/latest/commands/poswap.html for a ready, out-of-the-box base language swapper for .po files.
For instance, the following command line will convert german-based spanish translation to english-based spanish translation. You just have to ensure that your new base language (english) is 100% translated before starting conversion:
poswap -i de-en.po -t de-es.po -o en-es.po
And finally to swap english po file to german po file, use swappo: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/swappo.1.html
After swapping files, some manual polishing of resultant files might be required. For instance headers might be broken and some duplicate texts might occur.