When working with Oracle (using 12c Enterprise Edition Release, we can write something like ...
SQL> select * from dual ;
However, it is not possible to use 'a' in the FROM clause, as a table, as it were - eg
SQL> select * from 'a' ;
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
select * from 'a'
Error at Command Line : 1 Column : 15
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00903: invalid table name
00903. 00000 - "invalid table name"
When coding a CURSOR FOR LOOP (PL/SQL) I found that the following function code compiled:
create or replace function f (
a varchar2
) return varchar2
for r in ( select * from a ) -- parameter (type varchar2) as table name!
dbms_output.put_line( ' a -> ' || a ) ;
end loop;
return a ;
end f ;
Function F compiled
set serveroutput on
SQL> select f( 'z' ) from dual ;
a -> z
a -> z
{1} How is it possible that can we use a parameter name (that represents a single varchar2) in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement in a PL/SQL cursor for loop?
{2} (In the example) Why is DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() apparently executed twice?
If you take this line
for r in ( select * from a ) -- parameter (type varchar2) as table name!
Then Oracle dose not select from varchar2 variable a
- it selects from table a
which by coincidence has the same name as your variable.