Using AM Charts 4, the way I have been using charts until now is I do something like
var categoryAxis = this.__chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis());
categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0;
categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "category";
categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 120;
var valueAxis = this.__chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
valueAxis.title.text = 'Y-AXIS:;
valueAxis.cursorTooltipEnabled = false;
Is there a way to put all the options into a single object and pass that one object in? In that case if I wanted to add another option I would just have to update the object, not add a line of code.
You can do it using JSON config: However, if you want to change things after you build a chart, the method you use is much more effective, as with JSON config you'll have to rebuild the chart instead of changinf only the thing you need.