I am executing a query to Postgre DB to fetch data older than a specific date.
Here's my function
async filesListToDelete(): Promise<any> {
return await this.fileRepository.find({
where: { last_modified: { $lt: '2018-11-15 10:41:30.746877' } },
Here's how I defined my File entity:
export class File {
id: number;
@Column({ nullable: false })
idFonc: number;
@Column({ nullable: false })
version: number;
@Column('varchar', { length: 100, nullable: false })
filename: string;
@Column({ nullable: true })
last_modified: Date;
@Column({ nullable: false })
device: boolean;
@ManyToOne(type => Type, { nullable: false })
@JoinColumn({ referencedColumnName: 'id' })
type: Type;
@OneToMany(type => FileDevice, filedevice => filedevice.file)
fileDevice: FileDevice[];
I get this error
QueryFailedError: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "{"$lt":"2018-11-15 10:41:30.746877"}"
You can use LessThan, the doc
async filesListToDelete(): Promise<any> {
return await this.fileRepository.find({
where: {
last_modified: LessThan('2018-11-15 10:41:30.746877') },