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when i run the program it throws error and in vs code it is giving "error:location.condition is not callable"

I am trying to build an assistant using python. And it keep showing the error "location.condition is not callable pylint(not-callable)" & "location.forecast is not callable pylint(not-callable)"

    elif 'current weather in' in command:   
        reg_ex ='current weather in (.*)', command)
        if reg_ex:
            city =
            weather = Weather(unit=Unit.CELSIUS)
            location = weather.lookup_by_location(city)
            condition = location.condition()
            TalkToMe('The Current weather in %s is %s.' 
            'The tempeture is %d.1 C degree' %(city, condition.text(), 

    elif 'weather forecast in' in command:
        reg_ex ='weather forecast in (.*)', command)
        if reg_ex:
            city =
            weather = Weather()
            location = weather.lookup_by_location(city)
            forecasts = location.forecast()
            for i in range(0,3):
                TalkToMe("On %s will it %s."
                'The maximum temperture will be %d.1 C degree.'
                'The lowest temperature will be %d.1 C degrees.' % (forecasts[i].date(), forecasts[i].text(), (int(forecasts[i].high)), (int(forecasts[i].low))))

It should tell the weather condition or the weather forecast


  • The example at shows:

    weather = Weather(unit=Unit.CELSIUS)
    location = weather.lookup_by_location('dublin')
    condition = location.condition

    However, you are doing lookup.condition(). The parentheses cause Python to "call" lookup.condition, i.e. requiring it to be callable.

    Note that pylint is a static code analyzer. It tries to warn you in advance for problems in your code, so you can fix them before actually running the program. A static code analyzer is not always correct, but in this case it seems to be. Removing the parentheses should solve the problem.