Search code examples

Using amp-list to create dynamic amp-carousel in AMP4HTML

I want to use amp-list to create a dynamic amp-carousel for AMP4Email.

I built out a template that passes validation here, but when putting it into, the carousel doesn't work.

Is this not possible with AMP4Email? It appears to work fine in AMP generally based on this.

The part of the code that renders the carousel

<amp-list src=""
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <amp-carousel id="links-carousel"
              <a href="{{link}}" class="carousel-link">
                  alt="photo courtesy of Unsplash"></amp-img>
                  <div class="caption">


  • When you say "doesn't work", are you referring to the carousel not showing up?

    Your code, as-is, won't work in the AMP email playground (or in an actual AMP email), because the src of your list, "" is not sending back the right CORS headers in its response. Try opening the console and network requests, and you should be able to see exactly what I mean.

    Since the src is remote, the AMP specs enforce a lot of extra security requirements that you must adhere to in order for the json file to be fetched. The headers for the email playground can be found here, whereas a more complete list of required headers is here.

    I was able to confirm that this issue affected your code by hosting up the JSON myself, and adding this to my htaccess:

    # AMP
    Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
    Header add AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin "[email protected]"
    Header add Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin "AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin"
    Header add access-control-expose-headers "AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin"

    I threw it up on a temporary host, at "", which you can replace your src with to verify.
