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Get "circular lag" of a column

I would like to create a new column in a pyspark.sql.DataFrame based on lagged values of an existing column. But... I would also like the last values to become the first ones, and the first values to become the last ones. Here is an example :

df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,100),

| id|value|
|  1|  100|
|  2|  200|
|  3|  300|
|  4|  400|    
|  5|  500|

And the desired output would be :

| id|value|lag_value_plus_2|lag_value_minus_2|
|  1|  100|             300|              400|
|  2|  200|             400|              500|
|  3|  300|             500|              100|
|  4|  400|             100|              200|
|  5|  500|             200|              300|

I can feel it has something to do with window functions or pyspark.sql.lag function, but can't figure out how to do.


  • Here is one solution I can offer. But I'm not sure it is the most optimized one :

    from functools import reduce                                                                                       
    # Duplicate the dataframe twice, one "before" and one "after"
    df = reduce(
        lambda a, b : a.union(b), 
        [df.withColumn("x", F.lit(i)) for i in [-1,0,1]] 
        F.lead("value", 2).over(Window.partitionBy().orderBy("x", "id"))
        F.lag("value", 2).over(Window.partitionBy().orderBy("x", "id"))
    | id|value|lag_value_plus_2|lag_value_minus_2|
    |  1|  100|             300|              400|
    |  2|  200|             400|              500|
    |  3|  300|             500|              100|
    |  4|  400|             100|              200|
    |  5|  500|             200|              300|