Search code examples

Pyspark advanced window function

Here is my dataframe :

Revenue = [100,50,40,70,60,40,30,100,200,100]
Customer = ['a','a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b','b']
df = spark.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame([Customer,FlightDate,IssuingDate, Revenue]).T, schema=["Customer",'FlightDate', 'IssuingDate','Revenue'])

|       a|        20|         10|    100|
|       a|        40|         15|     50|
|       a|        51|         44|     40|
|       a|        50|         45|     70|
|       a|        60|         55|     60|
|       b|        15|         10|     40|
|       b|        27|          2|     30|
|       b|        37|         30|    100|
|       b|        36|         32|    200|
|       b|        50|         24|    100|

For convenience, I used number for days.

For each customer, I would like to sum revenues for all issuing dates between studied FlightDate and studied FlightDate + 10 days.

That is to say :

  • For the first line : I sum all revenue for IssuingDate between day 20 and day 30... which gives 0 here.
  • For the second line : I sum all revenus for IssuingDate between day 40 and 50, that is to say 40+70 = 110

Here is the desired result :

|       a|        20|         10|    100|     0|
|       a|        40|         15|     50|   110|
|       a|        51|         44|     40|    60|
|       a|        50|         45|     70|    60|
|       a|        60|         55|     60|     0|
|       b|        15|         10|     40|   100|
|       b|        27|          2|     30|   300|
|       b|        37|         30|    100|     0|
|       b|        36|         32|    200|     0|
|       b|        50|         24|    100|     0|

I know it will involve some window functions but this one seems a bit tricky. Thanks


  • no need of a window function. It is just a join and an agg :

            "df.Customer = df_2.Customer "
            "and df_2.issuingdate between df.flightdate and df.flightdate+10"
          for c 
          in df.columns)
    |       a|        20|         10|    100|     0|
    |       a|        40|         15|     50|   110|
    |       a|        50|         45|     70|    60|
    |       a|        51|         44|     40|    60|
    |       a|        60|         55|     60|     0|
    |       b|        15|         10|     40|   100|
    |       b|        27|          2|     30|   300|
    |       b|        36|         32|    200|     0|
    |       b|        37|         30|    100|     0|
    |       b|        50|         24|    100|     0|