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Returning an array of objects from other object

Hello am trying to extract some information from an object to create a graph but it returns undefined my object looks like

"concepts": [
            "id_cpt": "1",
            "fr_cpt": "Proche",  
            "id_cpt": "2",
            "fr_cpt": "Loin",  
            "id_cpt": "3",
            "fr_cpt": "Here",  
"arcs":  [

I want to make an object looks like

const data = {
    nodes: [{ id: 'Proche' }, { id: 'Loin' },{ id: 'Here' } ...],
    links: [{ source: 'Proche', target: 'Loin' }, { source: 'Here', target: 'Loin' },...]

I want extract names not ids in links but the object arcs only have ids the code in es6 and thank you for helping me


  • You could loop through the concepts using for...of. Populate the nodes array and a map object. The map object has id_cpt as key and fr_cpt as value.

      "1": "Proche",
      "2": "Loin",
      "3": "Here"

    This object can be used to get the source and target value for links. Then loop through arcs and create links using map object

    Here's a snippet:

    const input = {"concepts":[{"id_cpt":"1","fr_cpt":"Proche",},{"id_cpt":"2","fr_cpt":"Loin",},{"id_cpt":"3","fr_cpt":"Here",},],"arcs":[{"idfrom":"1","idto":"2"},{"idfrom":"3","idto":"2"},]}
    let nodes = [], 
        links = [], 
        map = {};
    for (const { id_cpt, fr_cpt } of input.concepts) {
      nodes.push({ id: fr_cpt });
      map[id_cpt] = fr_cpt
    for (const { idfrom, idto } of input.arcs) {
      links.push({ source: map[idfrom], target: map[idto] }) // get the value using map
    const output = { nodes, links }