I'm using BGL to build a graph storing bundled vertices where one type of vertex stores a reference to the other vertex type. Both types are handled using std::variant:
struct simple_node_t {
size_t enabled;
struct complex_node_t {
bool foo1;
size_t foo2;
simple_node_t& control;
using vertex_t = std::variant<simple_node_t, complex_node_t>;
using netListGraph_t = boost::adjacency_list<
Vertices of type complex_node_t are created and stored like this:
// Create node
complex_node_t cpx = {
// Add complex_node_t to graph
vertex_t vtx(cpx);
auto vertex = boost::add_vertex(vtx, mGraph);
Now the problem:
auto pVal = std::get_if<complex_node_t>(&mGraph[vertex]);
assert(pVal->foo1 == true); //OK
assert(pVal->foo2 == 0xDEADBEEF); //OK
But accessing the reference fails (invalid object)!
**pVal->control.enabled -> GARBAGE**
Storing the data by value works - but storing by reference does not.
What am I doing wrong?
PS: My example is very reduced of course... that means the vertices I want to store via reference are much bigger.
I now changed my code:
struct complex_node_t {
bool foo1;
size_t foo2;
std::reference_wrapper<simple_node_t> control;
and try to access elements:
if (pVal->control.get().enabled) -> **STILL GARBAGE**
If you store a reference inside a class, it is no longer assignable nor default-constructible.
BGL Has the concept of a descriptor here, it's an abstraction of something like an array index, but independent of the graph representation. So you could use those.
Beware of invalidation rules though: depending on the graph model[1]. See
PS. if you know your graph has reference stability for vertices you could do what you want replacing the reference with raw pointers or std::reference_Wrapper<>
[1] in the case of adjacency_list<>
it depends on the vertex/edge container selector template arguments
This code demonstrates
// BUG
)#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <variant>
using base_traits = boost::graph_traits<boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS> >;
struct simple_node_t {
size_t enabled = 0;
struct complex_node_t {
bool foo1 = false;
size_t foo2 = 0;
base_traits::vertex_descriptor control {};
using vertex_t = std::variant<simple_node_t, complex_node_t>;
using netListGraph_t = boost::adjacency_list<
int main() {
netListGraph_t g;
auto control = add_vertex(simple_node_t{12}, g);
add_vertex(complex_node_t{ true, 42, control }, g); // whoops, might invalidate `control`
netListGraph_t g(10);
auto control = vertex(6, g);
g[control] = simple_node_t{12};
auto other = vertex(4, g);
g[other] = complex_node_t{ true, 42, control }; // fine
// also fine:
std::get<complex_node_t>(g[other]).control = control;