I have a gravity PayPal form that collects info on local businesses. I also have a custom post type. When a visitor fills out and submits the form, A custom post type submission is pre-populated from the form submission and set to pending. That's all working. Client now want's a renew form that will pre-populate with the data from their custom post submission (preferred), or their original form submission. These Businesses are NOT logged in or WP users. All of the information they enter is not sensitive and most or all of it will display on the site.
I'm thinking when a person comes up to renew I can show a form that has 1 field - organization name. I can use that form to get the entry ID from the meta key value and then use the entry ID to pre populate the renew form.
Is it possible? I'm new to gravity forms and in the documentation I'm finding hooks and filters that possibly might make it work, but no examples that apply to this particular problem and know idea of the best way to proceed. Any help is much appreciated.
Hardest: Gravity Forms supports dynamic population which allows you to fetch data and populate it into the form in a number of ways.
Harder: I wrote a snippet that accepts an entry ID as a query parameter and use the dynamic population methods above to populate the associated entry into the form.
Easiest: Check out Gravity Forms Populate Anything if you don't want to both touching code. It can handle populating pretty much any kind of data into your form and has a powerful UI for filtering which data should be populated (including data from previous entries and custom post types).