Work on Aspnet core boilerplate framework stuck on one issue, form my controller failed to call services.
Application class library contains IEmployeeService and EmployeeService, how to call them from my EmployeeController.
public interface IEmployeeService
int CreateEmployee(CreateEmployeeDto data);
IEnumerable<EmployeeListDto> GetEmployeeList();
public class EmployeeService : IEmployeeService
public class EmployeeController : HRISControllerBase
private readonly IEmployeeService _employeeService;
public EmployeeController(
IEmployeeService employeeService
_employeeService = employeeService;
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Note: Do project need to configure something in ConfigureServices on the Startup.cs file.
According to the docs
"ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically registers all Repositories, Domain Services, Application Services"
As such all you should need to do is change your IEmployeeService to inherit from IApplicationService:
public interface IEmployeeService : IApplicationService
int CreateEmployee(CreateEmployeeDto data);
IEnumerable<EmployeeListDto> GetEmployeeList();