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how to add double quotes while printing in json? Currently i am getting single quotes


import json 
from faker import Faker
import random
from random import randint
fake = Faker('en_US')
for _ in range(1):
    sds =  {
      "id": "AB-asdfaf",
      "body": fake.sentence(),
      "time": fake.ean(),
      "hash": fake.ean(),
      "id1": fake.ean(),
      "user_id": "asdasdas",
      "id3": "test1"


output i am getting is in single quotes ''. i need to get the json ijn double quotes

output :

 'body': 'Throughout third tough will PM time treat.'

output i need :

"body": "Throughout third tough will PM time treat."


  • If you expect correct JSON output, you must convert your data explicitly:


    It is not only about quotes, False, True and None become false, true and null in JSON.