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Find the "concise mathematical definition" of a function in SICP

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs gives this implementation of Ackermann's function:

(define (A x y) 
  (cond ((= y 0) 0)
      ((= x 0) (* 2 y))
      ((= y 1) 2)
      (else (A (- x 1) (A x (- y 1))))))

Exercise 1.10 asks for the "concise mathematical definitions" of the following functions that call A:

(define (f n) (A 0 n)) 
(define (g n) (A 1 n)) 
(define (h n) (A 2 n))

The outputs of f and g for integers 1 - 4 are recognizable as 2n and 2^n. But h is 2^(2^n-1), a formula I could not recognize just by looking for a pattern in the outputs. How is one meant to complete this exercise? Is there a method for deriving the mathematical notation, perhaps based on the notation for Ackermann's function?


  • The book has already introduced the substitution method, so it's not wrong to use that.

    Start with (A 0 n)

    This is

    (cond ((= n 0) 0)
          ((= 0 0) (* 2 n))
          ((= 0 1) 2)
          (else (A (- 0 1) (A 0 (- n 1)))))

    which is clearly 2n.

    Next, (A 1 n) is

    (cond ((= n 0) 0)
          ((= 1 0) (* 2 n))
          ((= n 1) 2)
          (else (A (- 1 1) (A 1 (- n 1))))))

    which is

    (A 0 (A 1 (- n 1)))

    or, taking advantage of the previous step,

    (* 2 (A 1 (- n 1))

    That is,

    A 1 n = 2 * (A 1 (n-1))
          = 2 * 2 * (A 1 (n-2))
          = ...

    Since we know that A x 1 = 2 for all x, we see that

    A 1 n = 2 * 2 * ... * 2

    with n factors, i.e. 2n.

    Applying similar reasoning to the last case left as an exercise.