I have an application which uses SwiftyJSON and works. How ever, I now want to expand the project and refactor the codes but I am having a bit of issue as I am now switching to Codable and I need to be able to mapJSON from any path and not a hard coded path. Currently my jsonResponse looks like this
/// handle the network response and map to JSON
/// - returns: Observable<JSON>
func handleResponseMapJSON() -> Observable<Result<JSON, ORMError>> {
return self.map { representor in
guard let response = representor as? Moya.Response else {
return .failure(ORMError.ORMNoRepresentor)
guard ((200...299) ~= response.statusCode) else {
return .failure(ORMError.ORMNotSuccessfulHTTP)
guard let json = JSON.init(rawValue: response.data),
json != JSON.null,
let code = json["code"].int else {
return .failure(ORMError.ORMParseJSONError)
guard code == BizStatus.BizSuccess.rawValue else {
let message: String = {
let json = JSON.init(data: response.data)
guard let msg = json["status"].string else { return "" }
return msg
log(message, .error)
return .failure(ORMError.ORMBizError(resultCode: "\(code)", resultMsg: message))
return .success(json["result"])
how do I eliminate the passage of hardcoded json[""]
value. Any help is appreciated
I suggest you try something like this:
protocol ResponseType: Codable {
associatedtype ResultType
var status: String { get }
var code: Int { get }
var result: ResultType { get }
func handleResponseMap<T, U>(for type: U.Type) -> (Any) -> Result<T, ORMError> where U: ResponseType, T == U.ResultType {
return { representor in
guard let response = representor as? Moya.Response else {
return .failure(.ORMNoRepresentor)
guard ((200...299) ~= response.statusCode) else {
return .failure(.ORMNotSuccessfulHTTP)
return Result {
try JSONDecoder().decode(U.self, from: response.data)
.mapError { _ in ORMError.ORMParseJSONError }
.flatMap { (response) -> Result<T, ORMError> in
guard response.code == BizStatus.BizSuccess.rawValue else {
log(response.status, .error)
return Result.failure(ORMError.ORMBizError(resultCode: "\(response.code)", resultMsg: response.status))
return Result.success(response.result)
Then you can map directly to your Codable type:
let result = self.map(handleResponseMap(for: MyResponse.self))
In the above, result will end up being an Observable<Result<ResultType, ORMError>>