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How would a ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected be vulnerable to SQL Injection?

Suppose I have a web application. I do not know the backend. I submit some forms, and finally, end up at a error message.

It states:

ORA--0923: FROM keyword not found where expected.

So, we know that this means that the developer programmed something similar to this:



which is missing a from keyword, or it's not where it's expected.

So now that you have the query

SELECT * employees;

Theoretically how would you inject this?


  • Say the database is trying to execute a simple statement like

    select 'smith' from dual;

    The developer has, instead of using a bind variable, concatenated the string 'smith' (with quotes) into a statement

    A hacker then tries a name with a single quote in it

    select 'o'reilly' from dual;

    That breaks the app with the error

    ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated

    They then try the string ' where 1=1' which gets converted to the statement

    select '' where 1=1'' from dual;

    which errors with

    ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected

    There are other keywords (eg ORDER BY) that would give the same error, so it is possible you've stumbled across one.

    Generally that should be sufficient for a bug report.