Search code examples

How can i split up the results of this hashtable search?

I'm trying to use this to compare my AD NT hashdump with hashes. I'm having trouble with the results grouping multiple usernames with the same password together.

the code:

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $ADNTHashes,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $HashDictionary

    process {
        $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

        #Declare and fill new hashtable with ADNThashes. Converts to upper case to 
        $htADNTHashes = @{} 
        Import-Csv -Delimiter ":" -Path $ADNTHashes -Header "User","Hash" | % {$htADNTHashes[$_.Hash.toUpper()] += @($_.User)}

        #Create empty output object
        $mrMatchedResults = @()

        #Create Filestream reader 
        $fsHashDictionary = New-Object IO.Filestream $HashDictionary,'Open','Read','Read'
        $frHashDictionary = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($fsHashDictionary) 

        #Iterate through HashDictionary checking each hash against ADNTHashes
        while (($lineHashDictionary = $frHashDictionary.ReadLine()) -ne $null) {
            if($htADNTHashes.ContainsKey($lineHashDictionary.Split(":")[0].ToUpper())) {
                $foFoundObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    User = $htADNTHashes[$lineHashDictionary.Split(":")[0].ToUpper()]
                    Frequency = $lineHashDictionary.Split(":")[1]
                    Hash = $linehashDictionary.Split(":")[0].ToUpper()
                $mrMatchedResults += $foFoundObject               
        Write-Verbose "Function Match-ADHashes completed in $($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) Seconds"

    end {

I tried commenting out | % {$htADNTHashes[$_.Hash.toUpper()] += @($_.User)} which seems to be close, but that somehow removed the Frequency column.

The results look like this:

User                            Frequency Hash                            
----                            --------- ----                            
{TestUser2, TestUser3}          20129     H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1
{TestUser1}                     1         H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2

I would like them separated:

User                            Frequency Hash                            
----                            --------- ----                            
{TestUser2}                     20129     H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1
{TestUser3}                     20129     H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1
{TestUser1}                     1         H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2H2

i'm sure this is a simple change, but i have very little powershell experience.

The suggestion to change $FormatEnumerationLimit to -1 is not what i want either, that just fixes the list truncating. {user1, user2, user3...}


  • while (($lineHashDictionary = $frHashDictionary.ReadLine()) -ne $null) {
                if($htADNTHashes.ContainsKey($lineHashDictionary.Split(":")[0].ToUpper())) {
                    $Users = $htADNTHashes[$lineHashDictionary.Split(":")[0].ToUpper()]
                    foreach($User in $Users){
                    $foFoundObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        User = $User
                        Frequency = $lineHashDictionary.Split(":")[1]
                        Hash = $linehashDictionary.Split(":")[0].ToUpper()
                    $mrMatchedResults += $foFoundObject